© Lorem ipsum dolor sit Nulla in mollit pariatur in, est ut dolor eu eiusmod lorem 2013


In the beginning …there was art

When God created the worlds and the skies and the birds and everything else…. it was art. It was masterfully and ‘wondefully made’. That great hand that reached out and started all of this had a grand idea and ever since… well, here we are! Now I’m not saying that there aren’t any ugly things out there. That would be a little awkward to say the least. What I am saying is that God made art, and when He made us, He intended for us to carry on the tradition of making more art. That’s what Joy Paints is all about. We do art. From the earliest time I can remember, I have wanted to see beauty created. Now I know that I’m not Di Vinci, but I am an artist. Not all of us are world acclaimed. Some of us are still learning and oh what fun it is!

Make the most of every moment

When I painted my first window I stepped back for a moment and looked at it. I saw all of it’s imperfections and mistakes and all that but, along all the other criticisms we artists do to ourselves I saw ‘art’. And ya know what? I loved it! I loved the idea that I could do something that pleased me. Something no one else did before me. An original ‘Joy’. And what’s more, the people around me enjoyed it and encouraged me and helped put me on a path to bigger and better things. And that’s just what I’ve done! I’ve gone on to those bigger, better things and it’s finally starting to come together. I know I’m not the “fastest gunsliger” in town, but I’m still around. In the end, Joy Paints is all about the art. We bring joy to people’s lives with our art and that’s what we set out to do…so, “Mission accomplished!”
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In the beginning …there was art

When God created the worlds and the skies and the birds and everything else…. it was art. It was masterfully and ‘wondefully made’. That great hand that reached out and started all of this had a grand idea and ever since… well, here we are! Now I’m not saying that there aren’t any ugly things out there. That would be a little awkward to say the least. What I am saying is that God made art, and when He made us, He intended for us to carry on the tradition of making more art. That’s what Joy Paints is all about. We do art. From the earliest time I can remember, I have wanted to see beauty created. Now I know that I’m not Di Vinci, but I am an artist. Not all of us are world acclaimed. Some of us are still learning and oh what fun it is!

Make the most of every moment

When I painted my first window I stepped back for a moment and looked at it. I saw all of it’s imperfections and mistakes and all that but, along all the other criticisms we artists do to ourselves I saw ‘art’. And ya know what? I loved it! I loved the idea that I could do something that pleased me. Something no one else did before me. An original ‘Joy’. And what’s more, the people around me enjoyed it and encouraged me and helped put me on a path to bigger and better things. And that’s just what I’ve done! I’ve gone on to those bigger, better things and it’s finally starting to come together. I know I’m not the “fastest gunsliger” in town, but I’m still around. In the end, Joy Paints is all about the art. We bring joy to people’s lives with our art and that’s what we set out to do…so, “Mission accomplished!”