© Lorem ipsum dolor sit Nulla in mollit pariatur in, est ut dolor eu eiusmod lorem 2013


Joy Paints

12681 N. Pottawatomie Rd. Luther, OK. 73054 Country: USA telephone: (405) 481-1765 email: armstrongjoy77@gmail.com YouTube Channel: Joy Paints www.joypaints.faith Facebook: Joy Paints


Art is life

When an artist finds a subject they tend to ‘dream’ a little. The creativity kicks in and the mind wonders around ‘in space’ and then the juices begin to flow …and before you know it, you have a finished product. Joy Paints is a creative engine of energy and inspiration that finds creative ways to display the subjet for the customer. Joy’s life reflects her name. No one sees the artist unless they are present when the creation is happening, so what the viewer gets to see is someone’s interpretation of an idea coming to life on a window after it is complete. Life happens all around us. It’s the creative one’s that put the beauty of art in places for us to appreciate and admire.

Diversity works

Someone might make the mistake of thnking Joy Paints only does wiondows. Quite the contrary. There are many more talents to discover here. For instance, Face Painting has become a very popular ingredient at most of the public events around Oklahoma City and it’s surrounding towns. Touch base with joy for her availability at your upcoming event.

Training and Travel

Joy Paints has a distinct talent. The chance to serve the public is very much a part of her lifestyle. Giving back for all the wonderful things that have happened for her means a great deal to her and you, the public will be the beneficiary of that giving spirit. Give Joy a call today for your chance to enjoy her gift and her life as an artist.
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Joy Paints

12681 N. Pottawatomie Rd. Luther, OK. 73054 Country: USA telephone: (405) 481-1765 email: armstrongjoy77@gmail.com YouTube Channel: Joy Paints www.joypaints.faith Facebook: Joy Paints


Art is life

When an artist finds a subject they tend to ‘dream’ a little. The creativity kicks in and the mind wonders around ‘in space’ and then the juices begin to flow …and before you know it, you have a finished product. Joy Paints is a creative engine of energy and inspiration that finds creative ways to display the subjet for the customer. Joy’s life reflects her name. No one sees the artist unless they are present when the creation is happening, so what the viewer gets to see is someone’s interpretation of an idea coming to life on a window after it is complete. Life happens all around us. It’s the creative one’s that put the beauty of art in places for us to appreciate and admire.

Diversity works

Someone might make the mistake of thnking Joy Paints only does wiondows. Quite the contrary. There are many more talents to discover here. For instance, Face Painting has become a very popular ingredient at most of the public events around Oklahoma City and it’s surrounding towns. Touch base with joy for her availability at your upcoming event.

Training and Travel

Joy Paints has a distinct talent. The chance to serve the public is very much a part of her lifestyle. Giving back for all the wonderful things that have happened for her means a great deal to her and you, the public will be the beneficiary of that giving spirit. Give Joy a call today for your chance to enjoy her gift and her life as an artist.