© Lorem ipsum dolor sit Nulla in mollit pariatur in, est ut dolor eu eiusmod lorem 2013
“A workman is worthy….”
In early times an artist worked for a Lord or an Earl or a King and was
“commissioned” to do a work. Sometimes the pay was food and shelter.
Sometimes the pay was Silver and Gold. But no matter the task, the
payment was what sustained the artist so he or she could continue to
Oh yes, times have changed but the result is still the same. The artist
plys his or her trade and the art comes to life on the canvas or on the
wall or on the window and everyone gets to see it.
The size of the artwork makes a lot of difference in it’s value, but the
work over all still has to be something that is pleasing to the eye and
worth seeing.
Window art has become an important part of modern day
advertisement. It’s easily changed and sets the tone for what it’s
intended to represent. Whether it’s about the season or the sale window
art points the viewer to the store and encourages the person to enter.
Windows without art are ‘dry’, ineffectual pieces of glass that neither
welcome nor invite. How sad.
How many windows…
“Should I do all of my windows, or just a few…?”
That’s a good question. What are you trying to sell? Are you inviting
people in for only certain items or are you welcoming them in to your
place of business because you appreciate them as ‘returning’ customers
that are also neioghbors and freinds. Do you want your place of
business to be a focal point for the community where everyone will
gather because they know it’s “the place to gather” and see all of their
How many times have you stopped for a few seconds to enjoy the
artwork on a storefront? It’s a common things. Not everyone is sailing
thru town at 90 miles an hour like they are on their way to a fire. People
see things and they remember things… like nicely done windows.
Put yourself out there
A sale is a good way to bring in extra business, which translates into
extra revenue. People are ceatures of habit. For the most part they
come to your place for the same thing over and over again. What if you
have some things they haven’t seen before? That’s because they travel
the same aisle all the time and miss seeing“that special item” you have
on the shelf.
Advertise it on the window… you’ll be surprised at how many people will
be happy you did….. they want that item …. they just didn’t know you
had it.
Have a “Give Away”. People love them. Advertise it on the window and
watch how many people sign up for the give away.
Express yourself
It was a commomn thing for people to ‘express themselves” back in the
1960’s. Some things were done that are better left in the past but….
somethings were done that brought about significant changes in our
society. Today is a lot like those days when people were speaking out,
expressing those opinions and getting results. You are in business to
make money. Your livlihood depends on repeat business. What better
way to send the message that you are suppoorting a cause than with a
window sign. Be it the local high school football team or that fire victim
right down the road, you can let your voice be heard.
You can keep a running total on how much has come in for that much
needed kidney transplant or that cancer surviver needing a helping
hand with chemo. Your store can be a beacon of light that shines
brightly in your community.
Commercial success is straight ahead
Mom and Pop stores have always been a significant factor in the
personality of a community. The owners are typically hard working
parents, raising families and becoming valued neighbors to those
around them. Their goods and services are a vital part of what makes
their town complete and rightly so.
Window art invariably represents a lifestyle and a personal statement
about what the business brings to the people that support it. Use your
windows to bring your customers enjoyment and encouragement and
watch what happens to the lives of those around you that see and
appreciate what lengths you go to that promotes good will and
$110 Window Set
$87 Window Set
$146 Window Set(2 Windows)
$ 115 Interior Wall
$125 (Triple Window)